The X-Treme and Avenues for Hope 15,000 Nights of Shelter Challenge!
Why sponsor a night of shelter? Because every night of shelter brings a new day full of possibilities for our guests!

This year, The X-treme Holiday X-Travaganza is getting even more X-Treme!
By combining our X-Treme Holiday X-Travaganza with our Avenues for Hope campaign, we’ll be able to start off 2025 with 15,000 sponsored Nights of Shelter. What does it mean to sponsor a night of shelter?
At Interfaith Sanctuary, every evening offers more than just a safe place to sleep; it’s a reset, a chance to pause, breathe, and prepare for the day ahead. With each morning, guests wake up with renewed hope, support from compassionate staff, and access to resources that can change the trajectory of their lives. Interfaith Sanctuary isn’t just about providing a bed—it's about creating pathways to stability and independence. By connecting individuals with case management, employment services, life skills workshops, and mental health support, Interfaith Sanctuary serves as a bridge between today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities. Each night spent here builds a stronger foundation for guests, meeting their needs with care and celebrating every small victory along the way. Why sponsor a night of shelter? Because every night of shelter brings a new day full of possibilities!
Be a part of our 15,000 sponsored Nights of Shelter and support the ongoing, life-changing day-and-night work at Interfaith Sanctuary! Thank you for giving the gift of shelter this holiday season!